

open syllables


Hello, how are you Fête? Can you help edit the Kai Wong page to restore the photo from the French wikipedia as you speak both Chinese ZH-YU and French (Quebec French)? Thank you so much.— 之前未簽名嘅留言係由144.178.14.10留言貢獻)響2020年8月13號 (四) 11:51‎所加入嘅。

@ user you are looking for is globally locked.唔重要嘅人 (傾偈) 2020年8月22號 (六) 18:47 (UTC)回覆
@ Hello, 亞Fête幫唔到你,因為被人永久封鎖,以後無Fête,請叫第位啦。討論2022年1月2號 (日) 15:34 (UTC)回覆

open syllables


I do not know how to translate this term, please ask User_talk:Lee_Sau_Dan to help you, this user appears to be very knowledgable about the subject matter. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年10月4號 (四) 17:27 (UTC)回覆

Typing Cantonese


From all the edits you did, your computer appears to be capable of displaying Chinese. Here is the online site you may get the Cantonese by putting English --> http://www.cantoneseinput.com/?lang=en --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年10月7號 (日) 19:14 (UTC)回覆

to put the Chinese characters in the Wikipedia text editing field by COPY AND PASTE. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年10月7號 (日) 19:56 (UTC)回覆


Please stop using this word in your editions. It is a total wrong word for 文, 炆 is cooking method. People, including me, start to feel annoyed if this continues. Eventually, you may be considered as a vandal and banned from any further edition. Thank you for your time.--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年10月28號 (日) 19:08 (UTC)回覆



I will not help you to correct the 炆 into 文, please do it yourself. Your editions clearly indicate you are completely capable of copying the Chinese character into the text field. Consider yourself with last warning. If you continue with these unproductive editing efforts, you will be banned! Thank you. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年10月29號 (一) 02:32 (UTC)回覆

I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. I have noticed that you may have been using the character box under the texting field to make your edition. I modified the character box to include 文, please use it from now on. If anymore 炆, you will be banned. Thanks.--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年10月29號 (一) 03:08 (UTC)回覆

「文」同「話」are both Cantonese. Generally speaking,「話」is loosely referring to the language (both spoken and written), 「文」is only the written language. When Latin is 拉丁文 because it is a largely in written form. 「荷蘭話」and「荷蘭文」use both interchangeably in Cantonese because that is what people mean. However, some people prefer「語」which to mean the language. It is clearly, as many would argue, not Cantonese. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年10月30號 (二) 01:45 (UTC)回覆

Re: I don't know language


「我唔識呢種話」or specifically「我唔識荷蘭話」exists, meaning "I don't know this language". I guess "I don't know language" you might mean 「我唔竅講嘢」 (meaning: I cannot talk (i.e. a mute) or (in some context) I am not good at speaking eloquently). Alternatively, "佢講唔到嘢" (meaning "she cannot speak") or "佢冇語言能力" (meaning "he lacks the ability to use language). In all, "I don't know language" makes no sense. If you do not any language, what is this "I don't know language" then?--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月1號 (四) 14:38 (UTC)回覆

If you heard "ngo ng sik waa", you must misunderstood. It could mean "我唔識嘩", meaning "I don't know!", "waa2" here is an interjection. Or another possibility being that the person you heard it from do not know Cantonese well. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月1號 (四) 22:49 (UTC)回覆

Does the sentence "我唔識文" exist ? Fête (傾偈) 2012年11月2號 (五) 15:50 (UTC)回覆

No, I don't think so. "man" means essay and article here. It is always said "I don't know how to read the article", or "I don't know how to write essay" - 我唔識呢篇文 or 我唔識文. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月2號 (五) 23:00 (UTC)回覆
「荷蘭話」is not the proper name for Dutch. The most accurate term in Cantonese should be 「尼德蘭文」, given that "Holland" only refers to two provinces within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. However, 「荷蘭文」is also acceptable given that the Holland people were the first to came into contact with the Chinese among the Dutch. Also, Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands indeed, but NOT the only languages. Therefore, referring to Dutch as 「荷蘭話」implies that there's only one language sopken in the Netherlands, which is definitely gonna piss off the Frysians, Limburgians and Germans.
On the other hand, "我唔識文" is not a proper sentence in Cantonese.
殘陽孤侠 2012年11月10號 (六) 02:03 (UTC) 殘陽孤俠 傾偈 2012年11月9日(五)18:01(UTC+8)

Unproductive edits


Words like 嚟 vs 來, 喺 vs 嚮, 啲 vs 尐, 冇 vs 無 are essentially the same, used by different editors. It is almost a matter of preference. For example. I like 嚟 better than 來, the latter is supposed to be the original word (本字) of 嚟. There are no policy on the use of original words. Edits involving changing these words are unproductive, not improving the overall quality of the essay. Other editors may see it as annoying even hostile. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月2號 (五) 23:00 (UTC)回覆



No. the edittool box below is not intended for common word, but for the word that is difficult to type with normal input method or 異體字. I have observed you can do copy and paste. Please be advised to use http://translate.google.com or my previous suggestion. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月2號 (五) 23:00 (UTC)回覆



後生仔青年人--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月2號 (五) 23:34 (UTC)回覆

「中童」is very rare, is absolutely not Cantonese, occasionally used in describing the size of clothing for teenager. It will not use to describe teenager--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月3號 (六) 00:01 (UTC)回覆

Re:Spanish language


Spanish language is 西班牙文 or 西班牙話. No such a thing as "西文". --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月3號 (六) 10:05 (UTC)回覆

Re:Italian language


意大利話,意話 或 意文 makes no sense.--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月4號 (日) 07:18 (UTC)回覆



越語 makes no sense --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月5號 (一) 01:02 (UTC)回覆



Are you a native speaker of Cantonese? You seem very confused with some common knowledge of Cantonese. I admit Cantonese is not a codified language, writing it systematically is unprecedented. 「話」, 「文」,「語」,「語言」,「語文」are used in a customary way - difficult to say it has a general rule (at least I do not know). 「語」is usually an official way of describing a language - hence, it is not natively Cantonese. 「文」is mostly to mean written language. Ironic example is Cantonese itself, it is either "粵語" or "廣東話", no such thing as "粵話". Can you tell me your understand of these terms? thanks --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月5號 (一) 01:02 (UTC)回覆



  唔該你唔好再做埋晒啲冇建設性嘅編輯。咁做算係破壞,而且呢啲編輯會打會頭。你有需要測試,請使用沙盒。多謝。--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月6號 (二) 00:43 (UTC)回覆



This is the final warning that you will receive regarding your disruptive edits. The next time you vandalize a page, you may be blocked from editing without further notice.
Entering non-Cantonese words in articles like this one can be considered vandalism, please consider downloading and using Chinese character input (for different kinds of input systems, see Category:中文輸入法). If you continue to insert non-Cantonese words when editing or renaming pages, you may be blocked.SC96 (傾偈) 2012年11月20號 (二) 15:02 (UTC)回覆



睇下 Wikipedia:城市論壇_(提議)#「話」同「文」--WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月10號 (六) 08:55 (UTC)回覆



搞搞震,而家咗你,一段時間內唔可以編輯維基百科。 And, Please note that you have been changing Cantonese title into Cantonese + English Pingyin title, you have been warmed many times. I have blocked you for 3 days. If you do it again, you will be blocked permanently. --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2012年11月22號 (四) 15:57 (UTC)回覆

Critère de nomenclature?


Parfois, vous direz "法文". Parfois, vous direz "法話". Qu'est-ce que c'est votre critère de nommer des pages des langues? Ou bien, avez-vous du tout un critère pour ça?

Avant que vous commencez à suivre un critère consistant, s'il vous plaît ARRETEZ de changer les noms sans raisons. L'attribution des noms linguistiques en cantonais suit des critères linguistiques, mais yous ne les suivez pas.


殘陽孤侠 2012年12月13號 (四) 15:49 (UTC)

我可以寫中文。 Fête (傾偈) 2012年12月25號 (二) 02:44 (UTC)回覆



Bonjour Fête,

Je t'envoie ce message parce que tu es bloqué à cette heure sur trois projets de la Wikimedia Foundation, dont deux indéfiniment : sur le Wiktionnaire en français et sur Wikipédia en chinois pour insertion de faux contenu répétée dans les pages et sur Wikipédia en français pour harcèlement de contributeurs.

Je t'invite donc à prendre connaissance des règles des wikis auxquels tu contribues pour que cela n'arrive plus, afin que cette série de blocages prenne fin. Si les plaintes continuent, nous nous verront forcés de procéder à un blocage global de ton compte. J'espère cependant ne jamais avoir à en arriver là. N'hésite pas à me demander de l'aide si besoin est, ou si tu ne comprends pas pourquoi tu as été bloqué sur les projets en question.

Cordialement, -- Quentinv57 2012年12月27號 (四) 19:13 (UTC)回覆