坦克 (電子遊戲)


坦克tank),又有叫肉盾meat shield),喺動作遊戲戰略遊戲當中指專門為隊友擋子彈嘅角色,血量高、攻擊殺傷力強(等敵人焗住要將注意力擺喺佢身上)、通常具有一啲能夠幫手擋傷害嘅異能(例如係能夠產生防護罩)。喺好多隊制嘅射擊遊戲裏面,坦克仲可以分做主坦(main tank)同副坦(off tank)兩種,前者集中於保護隊友,後者保護能力弱啲但有第啲有用嘅異能[1]




  • 大量嘅生命值去吸收傷害
  • 透過護甲、物理防禦、魔法防禦等等嘅機制去減低承受嘅傷害
  • 透過走位等嘅技巧去規避傷害


  1. Towers, J. Tarin; Badertscher, Ken; Cunningham, Wayne; Buskirk, Laura. Yahoo! Wild Web Rides. IDG Books Worldwide Inc. 1996: 152. ISBN 0-7645-7003-X. Tanks: Leading the Charge No, we're not talking about those huge army vehicles. Well, yeah, some MUDs do have that kind of tank in them, but that's not what we're referring to. A tank in a typical fantasy MUD is the character who, alone or in a group, is always the first to attack a monster. A mob will direct its attacks at the first person that hits it, so in a group the tank is generally some character with enough hit points to withstand this punishment. Meanwhile the others hack safely away at the adversary — at least until the tank is killed and somebody else becomes the lucky target. Some MUDs now have monsters that can switch their attacks to other characters in the group, so the tank approach doesn't work as well with them. If you're a newbie and are asked to join a group, it's important that you understand this concept. Listen to the leader and only attack after she says, or you may end up tanking something that will toast your hide in seconds.